Vape may be dangerous for your heart and brain

Vape or e-cigarettes are electronic cigarettes that are considered safer to be consumed by smokers since it is claimed to be 'healthier'. Unfortunately, this statement contradicts most of the results of existing studies, which found that e-cigarettes can cause the same side effects as regular cigarettes.

Lately, cases of lung disease related to electronic cigarettes increased significantly in the United States, and 42 deaths have been recorded so far. Most research only focuses on the relationship between the two. But in a recent study conducted by the Mainz University Medical Center, Germany, it was found that not only the lungs, vape can also harm the heart, brain, and blood vessels. The effect of vape even may be felt faster than regular cigarettes.

The researchers found that one vaping session could cause several changes in the body, such as increased heart rate, tightened arteries, and problems in the endothelium (inner lining of the arteries). Endothelial dysfunction is closely related to heart disease, blood vessels, and stroke. These results were obtained after an analysis of 20 active traditional smokers with normal health conditions.

Not only that, the researchers also found damage to blood vessels in the brain after they analyzed mice that had been exposed to electronic cigarettes for 20 minutes. In another study conducted by the Smidt Heart Institute, researchers found that vape can interfere with the regulation of blood flow to the heart. They found a decrease in coronary artery function in vape consumers.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay


  • Kuntic, M., Oelze, M., Steven, S., et al (2019). Short-term e-cigarette vapor exposure causes vascular oxidative stress and dysfunction: evidence for a close connection to brain damage and a key role of the phagocytic NADPH oxidase (NOX-2). European Heart Journal, DOI:
  • Healthline - Not Just a Lung Problem: How E-Cigs May Affect Your Heart, Brain, and Blood Vessels (2019)., 18 November 2019.

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