Preeclampsia is a condition in pregnant women when they have high blood pressure and protein in their urine. If not treated quickly, this condition will progress to eclampsia, which is characterised by even higher blood pressure and seizures. These complications can certainly be life-threatening to both the mother and the fetus. The main cause of preeclampsia is unknown. However, historical factors such as diabetes or hypertension and the mother's age can also increase the risk.
In addition to threatening the life of the fetus, we mentioned in a previous article that preeclampsia could also increase the risk of psychological development disorders in babies. Not only that, preeclampsia during pregnancy can also increase the risk of high blood pressure in the child. However, this risk can decrease or even “disappear” if the babygets an adequate supply of vitamin D while still in the womb. This statement was made by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who conducted a study recently.
In their study, researchers analysed 754 pairs of mothers and children born from 1998-2018 who were involved in an epidemiological study conducted by the Boston Medical Center. They also collected information about the history of preeclampsia, the results of blood tests taken from the umbilical cord during childbirth, and the blood pressure of the children. It was found that 10% of female participants experienced preeclampsia during pregnancy.
The researchers found that those who born to mothers who experienced preeclampsia during pregnancy were found to had higher systolic blood pressure when compared to those born to mothers without preeclampsia. When associated with levels of vitamin D in the umbilical cord, those with the lowest supply of vitamin D have 11% more risk of high blood pressure. In contrast, higher level of vitamin D was associated with normal blood pressure. Apart from food or supplements, vitamin D can also be obtained from direct exposure to sunlight.
Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay
- Mingyu, Z., Michos, E.D., Guoying, W., et al (2020). Associations of Cord Blood Vitamin D and Preeclampsia With Offspring Blood Pressure in Childhood and Adolescence. Jama Network Open, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.19046.
- Science Daily - Exposure to vitamin D in the womb minimize risk of high blood pressure for children born to mothers with preeclampsia (2020). https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201005144631.htm, 6 October 2020.