Preeclampsia is a condition of increased blood pressure and the existence of protein in urine in pregnant women. If not treated quickly, this condition will continue to become eclampsia, characterised by high blood pressure and seizures. It can certainly threaten the lives of both the mother and fetus. It is not yet known what the exact main cause of preeclampsia is. However, historical factors such as diabetes or hypertension and the mother's age during pregnancy can increase the risk.
In addition to threatening fetuses, preeclampsia can also increase the risk of impaired psychological development in children. According to the results of a recent study published in the Hypertension journal, the researchers found that preeclampsia can increase the risk of mental disorders in children, regardless of mental disorders experienced by parents or other conditions. Preeclampsia can also increase the risks of psychological development, behavior, and emotional disorders.
In their study, researchers analysed the data of 4,743 pairs of mothers and children. The data includes a history of hypertensive pregnancy disorders, including chronic, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia that occur during pregnancy. The data also shows a history of mental disorders in each child.
Researchers found that for mothers who experience preeclampsia, their children have a higher risk of mental disorders by up to 66%. The risk is doubled if the mother experiences acute preeclampsia. Researchers also found that a combination of hypertensive pregnancy disorders, obesity, and diabetes can increase the risk to 22.2%. The researchers hope, the results of this study can help doctors understand the causes of mental disorders in children and can make preventive interventions to reduce these risks.
Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay
- Pulkkinen, M.L., Girchenko, P., Touvinen, S., et al (2020). Maternal Hypertensive Pregnancy Disorder and Mental Disorders in Children. Hypertension, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.14140.
- Science Daily - Maternal hypertensive disorders may lead to mental health disorders in children (2020). https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200420084242.htm, 21 April 2020.