Poor diet increases the risk of blindness

In the previous article, it was discussed that air pollution can risk your eye health. Constant exposure to Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) is associated with a high risk of macular degeneration. The exposure can cause damage retina cells, which can cause blurry vision to blindness.

Not only air pollution, eye health can also be affected by your diet. Based on the results of a recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers found that extreme cases of being 'picky' with food can cause blindness in young people. In other words, young people who prefer to consume junk food have a higher risk of optic nerve damage or nutritional optic neuropathy.

Nutritional optic neuropathy is a dysfunction of the optic nerve that has an important role in your eye. If treated quickly, the condition can be cured. But on the contrary, if not treated immediately, the condition can cause permanent damage to the optic nerve to blindness.

Lack of nutrient intake into the body is one of the factors causing nutritional optic neuropathy. Someone who is 'picky' with food usually has a low nutritional intake, especially vitamins and minerals. In that study, it was revealed that deficiencies of vitamin B12, copper and selenium, as well as high zinc levels can cause low vitamin D levels and bone mineral density, even though the person has a normal BMI.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay


  • Harrison, R., Warburton, V., Lux, A., and Atan, D., (2019). Blindness Caused by a Junk Food Diet. Annals of Internal Medicine, DOI: 10.7326 / L19-0361.
  • Science Daily - Poor diet can lead to blindness, case study shows (2019). https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190903091437.htm, 16 September 2019.

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