Air pollution is dangerous for your eyes

Without us knowing, air pollution is one of the causes of death of millions of people every year, since it can increase the risk of emphysema and lung cancer. Air pollution is a condition where the air is polluted by negative chemicals, substances, particles, or biological materials that can affect the health of the people. Recently, Jakarta was named the city with the third-highest level of air pollution after Dubai and Skopje.

With an air quality index (AQI) of 154, Jakarta is considered as a city with unhealthy air quality, and its population has an increased risk of several types of respiratory system-related diseases. Not only that, in the previous article it was also discussed that air pollution could increase the risk of Alzheimer's among children and adolescents. A recent study conducted by China Medical University found another dangerof air pollution; eye disease.

According to a study published in the BMJ Journal of Investigative Medicine, the researchers found that exposure to Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) pollutants was associated with a high risk of macular degeneration (cell damage in the retina) that can cause blurred vision. Not only that, macular degeneration can also lead blindness in either one or both eyes. In their study, the researchers analysed air quality data and health history involving 39,819 participants aged 50 years and over.

Participants were divided into 4 groups based on the level of pollution exposure. Those exposed to the highest levels of NO2 have a 200% greater risk of macular degeneration. Those who were exposed to the highest CO also had an 84% greater risk of the disease when compared to those who were exposed to the lowest levels. Meanwhile, the risk was insignificant in those who were exposed to moderate levels of the two pollutants.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Shutterstock


  • Kuang-Hsi, C., Po-Yuan, H., Chun-Ju, L., et all (2019). Traffic-related air pollutants increase the risk for age-related macular degeneration. BMJ Journal of Investigative Medicine, DOI:
  • Time - Yet Another Health Problem Linked to Air Pollution: Eye Disease (2019)., 03 September 2019.

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