Have you ever heard of choline?. Choline is a type of nutrient that has a role in supporting bodily functions and maintaining overall health. Because of that, you often find these nutrients contained in various supplements. Not only supplements, your body can also produce this nutrient. It's just that the amount generated by the body is not much, so there is a need for additional intake.
In the body, choline has several important roles, one of which is to improve memory and cognitive abilities. Choline is an essential nutrient for brain formation. Some study results have also supported the statement. Choline is also known to help maintain heart health, increase body metabolism, reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and can help relieve symptoms of cystic fibrosis patients.
The recommended intake of choline per day is quite diverse. For adult men and women, it is recommended to consume 550 and 400 mg of choline per day. As for pregnant and breastfeeding moms, it is recommended to consume choline at least 450-500 mg per day. Finally, children are recommended to consume at least 375 mg per day.
To meet the recommended intake, there are various types of food that you can consume, such as beef, soybeans, fish, chicken, eggs, broccoli, potatoes, mushrooms, wheat, rice, beans, and seeds. In addition, you can also meet the needs of choline by consuming multivitamins and supplements. Choline deficiency can cause muscular and liver-related illnesses, as well as increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, and neural tube defects in babies.
Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Bigstock
- Medical News Today - Everything you need to know about choline (2019). https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327117.php#about, 28 November 2019.