Love Your Gut Bacteria for Your Health

On the previous article, we have discussed how gut bacteria affects aging and a person’s overall health. Adopting a healthier lifestyle and diet can help to maintain the livelihood of our gut bacteria. Specifically, they can benefit from fermented food and beverage, and probiotic supplements.

Here are some ways that we can do to keep our gut bacteria healthy.

  1. Eat more vegetables, legume, nuts, and fruits
    Vegetables and fruits are good sources of nutrition for gut bacteria. Those are high in fiber, which is hard to digest, making them beneficial in maintaining the health of gut bacteria. The same goes for legume and nuts. Raspberries, green beans, apples, broccoli, and artichokes are all high in fibre.
  2. Consume more fermented food
    Fermented food, such as yoghurt, kimchi, and tempe, contain probiotics that are good for gut bacteria. Those are high in lactobacillus, a friendly bacteria that normally live in our digestive system. Having said that, it is important to remember that flavoured yoghurt is high in sugar, making plain yogurt the preferred alternative.
  3. Stay away from artificial sweeteners
    A study has proven that artificial sweeteners can actually lead to elevated blood sugar level. For example, the artificial sweetener aspartame causes the rise of Clostridium bacteria, which in turn disturbs insulin response. The result is elevated blood sugar level.
  4. Consume probiotics supplements
    Consuming additional probiotics supplements can be beneficial for the health of our gut bacteria. While a study states that probiotics supplements do not have any significant impact for a healthy person, someone suffering from digestive imbalance would benefit from them.

In a nutshell, a healthy lifestyle and diet are the best way to keep our gut bacteria running properly, which in turn helps our body to stay fit. So, love your gut bacteria from now on!

Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Google Search Image


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