Five ways to reduce facial fat

Talking about fat might stress most people. Yes, fat is often associated with obesity. Not only in parts of the body such as the stomach, thighs, or hands, fat can also be found on the face, also known as facial fat. This causes a person's face to look round or chubby. For those of you who want to get rid of fat on the face, there are several ways you can do. Reporting from Medical News Today, here's how to reduce facial fat:

  1. Cardio Exercise
    Exercise is known for its benefits in maintaining overall body health. Not only reduces fat in the body, cardio exercise can also help reduce facial fat. Studies showed that among other types of exercise, cardio exercise is known to be more effective in reducing fat in the body. Reducing body weight will give the “slim” effect on the face.
  2. Facial gymnastics
    Although considered funny because it will give a 'weird' facial expression, facial gymnastics is known to help reduce facial fat. Based on the results of studies published in the Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, facial gymnastics can help tightenfacial muscles.
  3. Reduce alcohol consumption
    Excessive alcohol consumption can cause dehydration, resulting in water retention. In some cases, retention can cause inflammation, so the face will look swollen. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption is often associated with weight gain.
  4. Drink plenty of water
    Drinking water before eating food can help someone feel fuller early. Besides being able to reduce the calorie input, this can also help you in losing weight.
  5. Better diet
    Having a poor diet can indeed lead to obesity. Consumption of food and processed carbohydrates can increase the risk of excess fat in the body. This is caused by the high calories, salt, and sugar contained in processed products. Avoid foods such as pasta, bread, syrup and cereal.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay


  • Medical News Today - What to do to reduce facial fat (2019)., 12 September 2019.

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