Party and alcohol are two things that can not be separated. When the party euphoria is over, all that is left is unbearable nausea and headache. Those who consume excess alcohol will feel hangover. Although there is no specific drug that can help overcome hangover, there are several types of food and drinks that can do just that. As quoted from Medical News Today, here are some foods or beverages that are good to overcome your hangover,
- Eggs are a good source of nutrition and contain simple proteins that can treat nausea and digestive disorders. Avoid eggs fried using butter or oil; boiled eggs are the best choice.
- Bananas are rich in potassium, which is good for the body. This fruit also contains fibre and sugar that can help digestion process and become additional energy to start activities.
- Oats can help you to fight hangover thanks to its high nutritional content, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamin B. Oats also contain beta-glucans (fibre) that can act as an anti-inflammatory agent to overcome inflammation.
- Green vegetables are rich in nutrients, amino acids and minerals that can help you feel better after a hangover.
- Water. Alcohol consumption often causes a person to urinate more often, which can cause mild dehydration. Consumption of water can be an option to keep the body well hydrated.
- Carbonated water and green tea. Studies show that both drinks can accelerate the process of alcohol metabolism and prevent the risk of damage to the liver due to excess alcohol.
- Fruit and vegetable juice. Studies show that a mixture of pear juice, green grape juice, and Ashitaba juice can relieve hangover symptoms such as headaches and thirst, while also lower blood alcohol levels.
Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Google Search Images
- Medical News Today - Foods to eat and avoid when hangover (2019). https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326506.php, 10 October 2019.