Soybeans are one of the basic ingredients of many foods that we often consume every day. Foods such as tempeh and tofu are the result of processed soybeans. Known for its high nutrition, soy-based products are known to have good benefits for health. Even so, the benefits of soybean are still being debated among experts. Some claim that soybeans are good for health, while others say the opposite. As cited from Healthline, here are the pros and cons of soybeans.
- Highly nutritious. Soybeans are known to contain several nutrients that are important for maintaining your health, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Soybeans contain prebiotic fibre, which is good for the ‘good’ bacteria in your digestive system. In addition, soybeans can also be a good source of plant compounds for the body, such as sterols and isoflavones.
- Reduce cholesterol levels. Several studies have shown that consumption of soybeans can help reduce levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol in the body. This is inseparable from sterols and fibre contained in soybeans. Both are known to play a role in reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the body.
- Improve fertility. Studies found that consumption of soybeans can help improve women's fertility. Soybean consumption is known to help those who are undergoing the IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation)
- Reduce symptoms of menopause. Thanks to the content of isoflavones in it, soybeans are known to help relieve symptoms of menopause. Estrogen levels in the body will decrease during menopause. This can cause the effect of burning sensation in the body, also known as hot flashes. Isoflavonescan help relieve these symptoms.
- Increase the risk of breast cancer. Soybeans contain isoflavones which can act as estrogen in the body. One of the triggers of breast cancer cells is estrogen intake. This caused experts to believe that consumption of soybeans can increase this risk.
- Reduce thyroid function. Soybeans contain goitrogen, a substance that can inhibit the absorption of iodine, thereby increasing the risk of mumps. In addition, soybeans also contain genistein which can inhibit thyroid hormone production.
- Its effects on the health of the digestive system. Soybeans contain agglutinin, which is an anti-nutritional compound that can affect the function of intestinal structures and interfere with the health of the microbiomes in it.
Basically, soybeans can be good for the body if not consumed in excess. In addition, it is advisable to consume whole soybeans compared to those that have been processed.
Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay
- Healthline - Is Soy Good or Bad for Your Health? (2020). https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/soy-good-or-bad, 18 June 2020.