Side Effects of Cannabis: Depression to Suicide

In the previous article, the health benefits of Cannabidiol oil (CBD oil) which is 'marijuana oil' was discussed. The oil may be used as a natural remedy for treating various diseases. Cannabis or marijuana plants, Cannabis sativa, contain chemical compounds cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is a psychoactive element that can provide a 'high' sensation for those who consume it. However, unlike THC, CBD is claimed to have no psychoactive elements and is safe for consumption.

Recently, cannabis plants are often used by young people as adults as recreational drugs. “High” effects that can be obtained after consuming the plant are considered to help reduce the sense of stress that is often experienced by adolescents. In Canada, cannabis is often consumed by teenagers with an age range of 15-19 years with a user level of 20.6%. In the UK, 4% of adolescents aged 11-15 years are known to use cannabis. In contrast to countries in the west, in Indonesia alone, only a few are familiar with the plant.

Although Cannabis is known to be helpful in treating psychosis, not many know that consuming cannabis is known to also have negative side effects on mental health. The effects including depression and anxiety. According to the results of an analysis conducted by McGill University and the University of Oxford of 23,317 adolescents, it was found that there was a significant increase in the risk of depression and suicide as they grew older. The experts further explained that regular use of cannabis in adolescents is known to change the development of their brain's physiological nerves.

Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pexels


  • Science Daily - Cannabis use in teens is linked to risk of depression in young adults (2019)., February 16, 2019.

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