Have a cup of coffee when we are sick; is it safe?

Lots of people love a cup of coffee. Until now, there are many pros and cons regarding the side effects of this bitter-tasting drink. Some argue that coffee is not good for health, but others argue the opposite. Therefore, many experts recommend limiting the daily intake of coffee to 3-5 cups per day.

For those of you who are fit, coffee might help increase your energy to undergo activities. But is good coffee consumed when you are sick? Although it can increase stamina thanks to its caffeine content, coffee is not recommended for those who are sick. Reporting from the Healthline page, here are some reasons why you should avoid coffee when you are sick.

  • Can make the body dehydrated and cause diarrhoea
    The caffeine in coffee has a diuretic effect, which can cause the body to secrete more fluid through urine or feces. In some cases, this can cause dehydration to diarrhea.
  • Can cause stomach ulcers
    Coffee is acidic. For some people who have a weak stomach condition, this drink can cause irritation that can lead to stomach ulcers.
  • Can reach with several types of drugs
    Coffee is known to react with several types of stimulant drugs and antibiotics. This, of course, can affect the performance of these drugs in fighting infections that exist in the body.

Although the risks mentioned aboveare not found in those who are already accustomed to drinking coffee every day, it never hurts for you to reduce coffee intake to maintain overall body health. For those of you who are seriously ill, it is not recommended to consume coffee even if you are an active coffee drinker. Switch to mineral water until the treatment period is over.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay


  • Healthline - Can You Drink Coffee When You're Sick? (2020). https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/coffee-when-sick, 09 April 2020.

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