Fat in avocados reduces insulin resistance

Avocados are one of the fruits that have a very high nutritional content. The fruit contains 20 different types of vitamins and minerals. Besides being highly nutritious, avocados are also known for their efficacy in maintaining heart health. Avocados contain oleic acid which can help reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Not only that, avocados also contain lutein, an antioxidant that can maintain eye and skin health.

In addition to heart health, avocados can also help relieve symptoms of type 2 diabetes. In the results of a recent study published in the Molecular Nutrition & Food Research journal, fat molecules found in avocados are known to be able to increase insulin sensitivity in the body. The fat molecule is avocatin B (AvoB) which is only contained in avocados.

In their study, the researchers gave mice a high-fat dietforeight weeks to make them obese and increase their insulin resistance. After that, researchers gave AvoB fat for some of them for five weeks. The results showed that mice that consumed AvoB had lower body weight than those in the control group. They also showed better body sensitivity to insulin, since the body can absorb and burn fat in the blood better.

Not only that, the researchers also conducted clinical trials in humans to determine the side effects of AvoB. Researchers gave AvoB supplements to those who used to undergo a Western diet for 60 days at a dose of 200-500mg. The results showed that AvoB supplements can be absorbed well without any negative effects on the kidneys, liver or skeletal muscle.


Text by Anggie Triama
Stock photos from Pixabay


  • Ahmed, N., Tcheng, M., Rome, A., et all (2019). Avocation B Protects Against Lipotoxicity and Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Diet-Induces Obesity. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/mnfr.201900688.
  • Medical News Today - A compound in avocados may reduce type 2 diabetes (2019). https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326964.php#1, 11 November 2019.

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