Benefits of black sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are an ingredient often used in many dishes, mainly due to their unique taste. There are various types of sesame seeds, including brown, gray, white, and black. It turns out that sesame seeds actually contain many health benefits, particularly the black one.

Black sesame seeds are rich in nutrients that are good for the body. Apart from protein, carbohydrates and fiber, black sesame seeds are also rich in minerals and unsaturated fats. Black sesame seeds also high in calcium and magnesium, which can help reduce the risk of hypertension. Other minerals contained in black sesame seeds such as iron, copper, and manganese also play a role in regulating metabolism, cell function, endurance, and oxygen circulation in the body. Compared to white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds have more nutrition and a more crunchy texture.

Apart from being rich in nutrients, black sesame seeds also have other health benefits, including their effect on oxidative stress in the body. Studies found that black sesame seed extract can increase insulin resistance, reduce oxidative stress in the liver, and protect the body from obesity. Long-term oxidative stress in the body is known to increase the risk of several types of chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. In addition, sesame seeds are also rich in antioxidants, which can play a role in fighting free radicals. The results of other studies have also shown that black sesame seeds can help maintain blood pressure.

Thanks to its sesamol and sesamin content, black sesame seeds are known to have anti-cancer properties. Both of these compounds have been scientifically proven to fight oxidative stress associated with cancer cells. Both are also known to help to destroy cancer cells. Not only that, black sesame seeds also have properties to maintain healthy hair and skin. Although it is rarely used as an ingredient for hair and skin products, studies show that the nutrients contained in black sesame seeds, including iron, zinc, fatty acids, and antioxidants, can help improve hair and skin health.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay


  • Healthline - Black Sesame Seeds: Nutrition, Benefits, and More (2020)., 30 July 2020.

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