Becoming a Fruitarian: is it good for you?

We all know that eating fruits is good for the body. Fruits contain lots of nutrition that can help maintain your health. Due to that fact, some people choose to consume only fruit every day. Those who follow this fruit-only diet are called ‘fruitarians’.

A fruitarian fulfills 70-80% of his/her calorie needs by consuming fruits. In addition, they can also add calorie intake by consuming vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Avocados, tomatoes, cucumbers, paprika, olives, and pumpkin are some of the fruits commonly included in their diets. However, it turns out that this diet can also harm the body, since it may cause nutritional deficiency.

Because of the diet, a fruitarian may suffer from lack of important nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins D and B, zinc, and omega-3 amino acids. Lack of those nutrients can increase the risks of several diseases, such as weak bones and muscles, lower cognitive function, to depression. Not only that, this diet can also cause lack of protein in the body. This can increase the risk of other diseases such as anemia, weakened immune system, to problems with blood vessels.

Fruits are known for their high sugar content. Therefore, this diet is not recommended for those who have a history of diabetes. A fruitarian is also at risk of having high blood sugar levels and glycemic index. Therefore, many experts do not recommend this diet to be followed for a long period of time.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay


  • Medical News Today - Is it safe to only eat fruit? (2020)., 27 February 2020.

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