Antibiotics and natural treatments for treating dental infections

Dental infections usually occur due to damage or unhygienic mouth, which create a good environment for bacteria to grow. In a study published in Dentistry Journal, there are 150 strains of bacteria in the mouth, and some of them can cause infection. Infection of the teeth or mouth can certainly interfere with your activities. To overcome this, doctors will usually prescribe antibiotics to 'kill' and prevent the spread of the infection.

Keep in mind; not all dental infections require antibiotics. Antibiotics are only recommended when the infection is considered severe and has spread to other parts of the body. Several types of antibiotics are often prescribed, such as Penicillin, Clindamycin, Azithromycin, and Metronidazole. In Indonesia, amoxicillin is the most commonly prescribed antibiotic to treat infections in the teeth.

Amoxicillin belongs to the Penicillin group, which is a common antibiotic used to treat dental infections. But unfortunately, this antibiotic is less effective because some bacteria are resistant to this drug. Because of that, many experts move to other antibiotics, Clindamycin. In a study published in the International Dental Journal, this antibiotic is the best choice for treating infections, especially for dealing with bacteria that are resistant to the Penicillin.

For those of you who are allergic to antibiotics, there are other alternatives that you can try to treat dental infections, including by using natural medicines. One of them is to gargle with warm water mixed with salt. This is effective for relieving pain due to infection and can act as a natural disinfectant. In addition, you can also use a mixture of water with baking soda to treat the infection.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Google Search Images


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