5 Causes to Frequent Farting

Fart or passing gas out through the anus, which has a scientific term flatulence, usually has a smelly odour. It is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and other substances produced by bacteria. Normally, we will emit about half a liter of gas a day. Hence, if we pass gas more than that, there must be reasons why.

Apparently there are several reasons for excessive farting. It could be caused by food, habits, as well as environment. Without realising it, trivial matters can disturb our health, like a never-ending fart.

Here are five reasons that may cause excessive flatulence or gas, ranging from digestive problems to trivial matters.

  1. Swallowing a lot of air
    Swallowing a lot of air can be caused by eating meals quickly, drinking lots of carbonated beverages, or chewing gums. The air swallowed will be emitted as fart, which tends to be odourless.
  2. In flight
    Research has shown that high altitude causes the gas in our bodies to expand, which in turn leads to bloating and eventually excessive flatulence.
  3. Colon irritation
    Continuous farting could be a sign of digestive problems, such as colon irritation or celiac disease. In these cases, our digestion reacts negatively to gluten, a substance contained in soy sauce, wheat bread and ready-to-eat food.
  4. Difficulties in absorbing nutrition
    Continuous farting could be a sign that our bodies are having trouble absorbing nutrients. Usually this happens when we eat too much carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice or potatoes).
  5. Eating vegetables and fruits
    Eating fruits and vegetables such as onions, broccoli, cauliflower, and sprouts may also make us fart continuously because the raffinose content is difficult to digest.

Text by Denistya Sagita
Stock photos from verywell.com


  • https://www.everydayhealth.com/digestive-health/treatment- for-excessive- gas/
  • http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/five- reasons-you- might-farting- 7858762

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