
2020-11-22 13:15:25
Science Article
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep, which lowers the quality of our sleep. Insomnia usually...
2020-11-18 14:17:19
Health Tips
Have you ever heard of the term “oncomycosis”? It is a disease on the nails on both hands and feet caused by fungal...
2020-11-18 14:10:09
Health Tips
There have been many studies that show the efficacy of exercise. Besides being able to maintain overall health by boosting the...
2020-11-15 13:25:19
Health Tips
Living in a densely populated capital city, we will find traffic jams almost every day. Not only disrupting activities, traffic...
2020-11-14 13:59:56
Science Article
Bacteria are microorganisms that live around you. Not only outside your body, bacteria are also present inside your body. In...
2020-11-11 13:51:32
Health Tips
Sometimes we are confused in deciding which is better, having breakfast first before exercising, or vice versa. Breakfast can...
2020-11-08 14:59:45
Health Tips
When we talk about the benefits of carrots, the first thing that comes to our head is that it can help maintain eye health. We...
2020-11-08 13:30:04
Food & Health
Potatoes are one type of stem tuber often used as a substitute for rice. In general, potatoes have yellow flesh, but have you...
2020-11-07 14:55:16
Health Tips
Acupuncture is a traditional method of treatment from China because it has many benefits. Although it looks scary because of the...