Cervical Cancer

A malignant tumor that commonly targets women is cervical cancer. This cancer gravely threatens the health—and eventually the life—of women and it’s very difficult to be detected early. This is the reason why in many cases, the sufferer is found in an advanced stage.

Cervical cancer affects the cervix, which is a part of the female reproductive system. The cervix is the lowest part of the uterus and is located in the upper part of the vagina. The cervix is composed of cells that can change from healthy to abnormal.

There are several factors that can increase the risk of cervical cancer, among others are:

  1. Intercourse or marriage at a young age
  2. Genetic factors
  3. Smoking
  4. Nutrient deficiency
  5. Multiple sexual partners
  6. Disorders of the immune system Women can minimise their risk of cervical cancer by reducing the risk of HPV infection. This virus is most often transmitted through sexual contact and sexual intercourse. Refraining from sexual contact with an infected person and using condoms will reduce the risk of HPV transmission. It is important to know that condoms are not 100% effective because it only protects the covered areas. Another form of contraception and barriers such as the contraception pills (KB), diaphragms and intrauterine devices (IUD) do not protect women against HPV infection.


Text by Denistya Sagita
Stock photos from bigstockphoto.com

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