• Raya
    Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tuan Rondahaim, or sometimes known as RSUD Tuan Rondahaim, is a general hospital that is...
  • Tanah Jawa
    Rumah Sakit PTP VIII Balimbingan, or sometimes known as RS PTP VIII Balimbingan, is a general hospital that...
  • Pandan
    Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pandan, or sometimes known as RSUD Pandan, is a general hospital that is located on Pandan,...
  • Sipirok
    Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sipirok, or sometimes known as RSUD Sipirok or RSUD Tapanuli Selatan, is a general hospital that is...
  • Tarutung
    Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tarutung, or sometimes known as RSUD Tarutung, is a general hospital that is located on Tarutung,...
  • Padang Hilir
    Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane, or sometimes known as RSU Daerah Dr. H. Kumpulan Pane, is a general hospital...
  • Balige

    Rumah Sakit HKBP Balige

    Religious Hospital
    Rumah Sakit HKBP Balige, or sometimes known as RS HKBP Balige, is a religious hospital that is located on Balige, Toba...
  • Porsea
    Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Porsea, or sometimes known as RSUD Porsea, is a general hospital that is located on Porsea, Toba...
  • Tanjung Balai Selatan
    Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. Tengku Mansyur, or sometimes known as RSUD Dr. Tengku Mansyur, is a general hospital that is...
  • Gunung Sitoli
    Rumah Sakit Umum Bethesda - Gunung Sitoli, or sometimes known as RSU Bethesda, is a general hospital that is located on...
  • Kualuh Hulu
    Rumah Sakit PTP III Indrya Husada, or sometimes known as RS PTP III Indrya Husada, is a general hospital that is located on...
  • Selesai

    Rumah Sakit Delia

    General Hospital
    Rumah Sakit Delia, or sometimes known as RS Delia, is a general hospital that is located on Selesai, Langkat, within the...
  • Medan Barat
    Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Harapan Ibu - Medan, or sometimes known as RSIA Harapan Ibu, is a mother and child hospital that...
  • Medan Baru

    Rumah Sakit Sufina Aziz

    General Hospital
    Rumah Sakit Sufina Aziz, or sometimes known as RS Sufina Aziz, is a general hospital that is located on Medan Baru, Medan,...
  • Medan Belawan Kota
    Rumah Sakit Kusta Pulau Sicanang, or sometimes known as RSK Pulau Sicanang, is a leper hospital that is located on Medan...