What Colour is Your Urine?

The color of your urine can tell you about the condition of your body at that moment. According to a pediatrician from Mayo Clinic Children’s Centre, Dr. David Sas, urine colour represents the chemical balance of your blood. This is why urine test is important in evaluating the overall health of a person and making a diagnosis. Urine composition is determined by what you eat and drink, and how your body metabolises it.

Vanessa Zoras, a dietician from Cleveland Clinic Canada states that the best time to do a urine test is in the morning. Urine color is also accurate to assess hydration level. As cited from Global News, these are the possible colors of your urine and their interpretation:

  1. Clear, almost transparent means you have been to the toilet too often, and there is an electrolyte imbalance.
  2. Pale yellow means you are well-hydrated.
  3. Dark yellow means possible dehydration.
  4. Deeper yellow means your kidney is trying hard to keep you hydrated. This might also happen during diarrhea, which causes electrolyte imbalance.
  5. Red-brown is not a good sign. It might be caused by consumption of beet or some specific drugs, but it might also be a sign of kidney disease.
  6. Pink indicates kidney stone or crystals forming in your urinary tract. It could also point to other kidney diseases.

If your urine had a strange smell, it could indicate urinary tract infection, or something in your diet. For example, asparagus is well-known for triggering a stronger urine scent. When your usually pale yellow urine turns into other colors for no apparent reason, consult your physician immediately.

Text by Denistya Sagita
Stock photos from Google Image Search


  • https://health.clevelandclinic.org/2013/10/what-the- color-of- your-urine- says-about- you-infographic/
  • http://www.prevention.com/health/7-things- the-color- of-your- pee-says- about-your- health/slide/2
