Studies: Low carb diets can reduce the risk of heart disease

Cholesterol is a type of fat that can be produced directly by the body, precisely in the liver. However, cholesterol can also be found in foods such as meat or milk. Indeed, cholesterol plays an important role in maintaining bodily functions. Still, if our cholesterol levels are too high, it can increase the risk of diseases such as heart disease and stroke. Not only lifestyle, high cholesterol can also be caused by hereditary factors.

Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is a condition of high cholesterol that is inherited in the family. A newborn child can have high levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol if his parents are a carrier. This condition can certainly threaten the health of the baby. People with FH have a high risk of diseases related to cholesterol disorders such as heart disease, even at a young age. Therefore, they must maintain their lifestyle to help reduce these risks.

People with FH are usually asked to consider their diet carefully. Foods such as meat, eggs, and dairy products are things that should be avoided. They are considered to increase the level of ‘bad’ cholesterol in the body, thanks to its saturated fat content. However, this assumption was broken by the results of a recent study conducted by the University of South Florida. Researchers found no significant evidence of this assumption.

In his study, low-carb foods proved to be more effective in reducing the risk of heart disease in people with FH. Researchers found that those who had a low sugar diet have better heart health compared to those with low saturated fat diet. Foods such as bread, potatoes, and sweets should be avoided by those who have a high risk of heart disease. Researchers explain that people with FH can also develop body resistance to insulin (including increased triglycerides and glucose) and obesity, which are some of the factors that can increase the risk of heart disease.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Google Search Images


  • Diamond, D.M., Alabdulgader, A.A., Lorgeril, M.D, et al (2020). Dietary Recommendations for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: an Evidence-Free Zone. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, DOI:
  • Science Daily - People with high cholesterol should eliminate carbs, not saturated fat, study suggests (2020). 07Junli 2020.
