Seven foods rich in protein

Meeting your daily nutritional needs is one way you can do to maintain your health. One of the nutrients that are needed by the body is protein. Protein plays a role in building, strengthening, and repairing tissues in the body so that they can function properly. Several foods are known to be rich in protein. As quoted from Healthline, here are seven foods that are rich in protein:

  1. Chicken breast. Most people know that chicken breast is rich in protein.100gr of chicken breast contains about 31gr of protein (91% of total calories). Not only is it rich in protein, but chicken meat is also a good source of minerals and vitamin B.
  2. Turkey breast is a good source of low-fat protein. 100gr of turkey breast contains 30gr of protein (95% of total calories). Same with chicken, turkey meat is also rich in minerals such as phosphorus and zinc. Not only that, turkey also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that plays a role in the synthesis of serotonin.
  3. Egg white. Although most of the nutrients in an egg are found in the yolk, it does not mean that egg white is not beneficial to the body. Egg white contains 60% ofthe protein contained in an egg. One hundred grams of egg white contains 11 grams of protein (91% of total calories).
  4. Dried fish.Commonly consumed as snacks, dried fish are rich in protein and low in fat. 100gr of dried fish contains 63gr of protein (93% of total calories). Dried fish also contains several types of vitamins and minerals that are good for the body.
  5. Shrimp, Not only rich in protein, shrimp is known to be good for the body because it is low in calories, carbohydrates, and fat. Enriched with antioxidants, shrimp can help reduce inflammation and oxidative damage in the body. One hundred grams of shrimp contains 23 grams of protein (77% of total calories).
  6. Tuna is a fish low in calorie and fat and rich in protein.100gr of tuna contains 29gr of protein (90% of total calories). Not only protein, tuna is also a good source of omega 3 fatty acids.
  7. Cod is another fish that is rich in protein. 100gr of cod contains about 19gr of protein (89% of total calories). Not only protein, cod also contains vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids.


Test by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Google Search Images


  • Healthline - 10 Foods That Are Almost Pure Protein (2019)., 10 December 2019.
  • Medical News Today - How much protein does a person need? (2018)., 10 December 2019.
