Yogurt and kefir are probiotic sources often consumed by people. In addition to its unique taste, both are known to have benefits for your body. Both of those beverages have ‘good’ bacteria for your intestine. Besides that, yogurt and kefir are also nutritious.
Although they both contain ‘good’ bacteria, yogurt and kefir have different bacterial contents. In this case, kefir is superior compared to yogurt. Kefir contains a wider variety of bacteria and yeast, which is also good for your body. According to the results of studies, kefir has anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-allergic, anti-tumor properties, and can also boost the immune system. Not to be outdone by kefir, in the previous article, it was stated that yogurt could help prevent pre-cancerous cell growth, especially in men.
Yogurt and kefir are known for their low calorie content. One hundred grams of yogurt and kefir only contain 63 and 43 calories respectively. Therefore, it is not uncommon to use both as a side dish or as a dessert. Not only low in calories, both are also rich in protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Probiotics can help prevent several health problems, including respiratory infections, constipation, to diarrhoea.
Nowadays, yogurt and kefir can easily be found in shopping centers. But for those of you who have lactose intolerance and avoid dairy products, you can make it yourself using soy, coconut, or oat. But actually, the fermentation process in the making of yogurt and kefir can reduce the amount of lactose present in milk, so it can be consumed by anyone.
Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Getty Images
- Medical News Today - Kefir or yogurt: Which is better? (2020). https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/kefir-vs-yogurt, 13 February 2020.