Health benefits of celery juice

Have you ever heard about #CeleryJuiceChallenge? It turns out that the trend that is spreading around the world also has many health benefits for the body. Celery itself is a herbal plant that is often used to add some flavour in foods. Several studies show that phytochemicals contained in celery can help reduce blood pressure and inflammation and fight oxidative stress in the body. As quoted from Medical News Today, the following benefits can be obtained from celery juice:

  1. Reducing inflammation and allergies
    Asthma is one example of inflammatory diseases. In a study conducted by Inha University College of Medicine, luteolin antioxidants found in celery proved to reduce inflammation and allergic symptoms in mice with asthma.
  2. Reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases
    Luteolin and apigenin contained in celery are believed to be able to protect the body against brain- related diseases. Apigenin is known to suppress damage to the brain, so that it can slow the progression of Alzheimer's. Luteolin is also found to be able to prevent nerve degeneration in mice with diabetic encephalopathy (ED).
  3. Suppress the development of cancer
    According to the results of a review in 2016, luteolin is known to be able to suppress the growth of several types of cancer in mice. The antioxidant is also able to prevent the development of cancer cells in other body tissues (metastasis).
  4. Reducing “bad” cholesterol
    Celery leaf extract was found to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body significantly. Experts believe that antioxidants in celery can prevent the decomposition of cholesterol deposits in the body, which help to decrease cholesterol levels.
  5. Reducing high blood pressure
    According to a 2013 study, celery seeds are known to have anti-hypertensive properties that can help lower blood pressure. Green plants can play a role in reducing the buildup of fat in the arteries and increasing the elasticity of the arterial wall, that may help to reduce blood pressure.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay


  • Medical News Today - Does celery juice have health benefits? (2019)., April 18, 2019.
  • Healthline - Celery Juice: Healthy or Hype? (2019)., April 18, 2019.
