Enhance Your Endothelial Function

Healthy arteries have good endothelial function that enables them to expand and contract with youthful elasticity. Good endothelial function requires ample supplies of nitric oxide, which is formed in the arteries by nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Normal aging, along with chemical and metabolic stresses damage eNOS. The resulting endothelial dysfunction creates a host of vascular disorders including diminished circulation, hypertension, and occlusive arterial disease.

While mainstream medicine has little to offer in terms of endothelial dysfunction, researchers have identified three nutrients that provide multi-targeted protection. These nutrients increase clinical markers of endothelial nitric oxide and provide other vascular protective effects.

The best studied of these nutrients is pomegranate, which protects endothelial nitric oxide and fosters reverse cholesterol transport by HDL, which can result in shrinking of atherosclerotic plaques.

Cordiart, an extract from sweet oranges, has been shown to increase endothelial nitric oxide synthase, which stimulates nitric oxide production in the body. Cordiart also suppresses inflammatory reactions associated with circulatory disorders and has shown significant improvement in blood flow in human subjects. GliSODin, a specialized form of superoxide dismutase, further protects endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) from oxidative destruction.

Each of these nutrients has shown improvements in clinically validated markers of vascular health in human studies. The dilemma for the health and pocketbooks of aging humans is how many of these endothelial-protecting nutrients are required to achieve optimal protection against vascular disorders.

Those already taking pomegranate may consider adding low-cost Cordiart to further boost endothelial nitric oxide levels that is crucial to arterial health. Individuals with particular vascular concerns may consider utilizing all three of these nutrients: pomegranate, Cordiart, and GliSODin, which can now be obtained in one formula. The objective of supplementing with these nutrients is to restore as much youthful endothelial responsiveness as possible by boosting nitric oxide, suppressing proinflammatory factors, and enhancing HDL functionality.


Text by Clinique Suisse
Stock photos from BigStockPhoto.com

