Ever heard of beets? This reddish-purple tuber fruit is known for its myriad health benefits. Beets are enriched with high nutrients such as essential vitamins, minerals and other active compounds and is often used as traditional medicine. Since the first, beets are believed to help reduce hypertension, anaemia, and diabetes. Reporting from the Healthline page, here are the benefits that you can get from consuming beets.
- Rich in nutrients and low in calories, 100 grams of beetroot contains only 44 calories and nutrients such as protein, fibre, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and iron. In addition, Beets also contain nitrates and inorganic pigments that are beneficial for health.
- Beets are known to help maintain blood pressure; several studies have proven that beets can help lower and maintain the body's blood pressure. Thanks to their high nitrate content, beets help dilate blood vessels in the body to decrease blood pressure. Consumption of beets can keep you from the risk of heart attack, heart failure, to stroke.
- Increase stamina; drinking beetroot juice is proven to help increase energy for those who like to exercise. In addition, the nitrate content in beets is known to help reduce oxygen burning during exercise, so you do not get tired quickly. This benefit is often used by athletes.
- Reducing inflammation, Beets contain pigments called betalains. In addition to providing colour to beets, these pigments also have anti-inflammatory properties beneficial for the body.
- Beets are known to improving the health of the digestive system, thanks to their high fibre content. Consumption of beets is known to help maintain the health of your digestive system. Beetroot can keep you from the risk of constipation, diarrhea, to diverticulitis.
- The nitrate content in beets improves mental and cognitive function by helping dilate blood vessels to increase blood flow to the brain. Conversely, decreased blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain can increase the risk of dementia.
- Prevent the risk of cancer, make beets contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory which can help prevent cancer risk. In addition, several studies have shown that Beetroot extract can reduce the division and growth of tumour cells.
- Beets are known to help lose weight. This is because it has low-calorie content and high nutrition are particularly good for those planning to lose weight. In addition, thanks to its high fibre content, consumption of beets can make you feel full longer.
Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from: Pixabay
- Healthline - 9 Impressive Health Benefits of Beets (2017). https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/benefits-of-beets, 28 May 2020.