7 Simple Ways to Clean Your Kidneys

Kidney has many functions. One of them is to clean out toxins and waste products from our body. However, sometimes kidneys work too hard when there are too many toxins to get rid of. If this happens, you need to “clean” it yourself. There are various ways to cleanse the kidney, and the process is quite simple. According to Boldsky (1/5/2016), you don’t have to spend a lot of money to help your kidneys, simply follow these tips below:

  1. Vegetable Juice
    Some vegetables that are good for kidney cleanse are water spinach, spinach, carrots, lettuce, cucumber, and celery. These vegetables contain  nutrients and antioxidants that can excrete toxins from your body.
  1. Lemon
    A few studies have mentioned that drinking lemon juice on a regular basis can help to minimise the risk of kidney stones. Drink the juice on a regular basis.
  1. Apples
    Those of you who do not like vegetables can choose to eat fruits that can clean the kidney: apples, peaches, pineapple, pears, and oranges.
  1. Cranberry Juice
    Cranberry juice is said to be able to prevent certain types of urinary tract infections. Choose organic cranberries and enjoy the freshness as well as their benefits.
  1. Mixed Juice
    Try mixing lemon juice with a few drops of apple cider vinegar and a cup of water. Occasional consumption of this mixture is good for the kidneys.
  1. Beet Juice
    Beets contain phytochemicals that are healthy. In fact, beet juice can reduce the level of acid in the urine. As a result, regular consumption can improve kidney function.
  1. Water
    The most important step is to drink enough water with regular intervals. Without water, your kidney will not be healthy.


Text by Denistya Sagita

Stock photos from BigStockPhoto.com

