7 reasons to avoid greasy food

Who can resist the temptation of delicious french fries, pizza, or doughnuts? Fast food does have a savoury taste that can arouse your appetite. However, not as delicious as they taste, these foods contain lots of oil, which can affect health badly. As quoted from Healthline, here are the reasons why you should avoid ‘greasy food’

  1. Bloating, stomach pain and diarrhoea
    Of all macronutrients, fat is the most difficult nutrient to digest. Greasy foods are high in fat, which can make the process of emptying stomach slower. It takes more time to process the food, so the risk of bloating, stomach ache, and diarrhoea becomes higher.
  2. Can damage intestinal microbiomes
    “Good” bacteria in the intestine can help maintain overall body health. Consuming greasy foods can damage the intestinal microbiomes by increasing the number of “bad” bacteria and decreasing the number of “good”ones. These changes can lead to obesity and other chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
  3. Can increase body weight and risk of diabetes
    Both risks are very likely to occur if you consume too much greasy foods, since they have very high fat and calorie counts. Many studies have shown that consuming fried foods or fast foods can increase the risk of weight gain and obesity.
  4. Can increase the risk of heart disease to stroke
    In several studies, it is proven that fried foods can increase blood pressure, reduce “good” cholesterol (HDL), and increase the risk of obesity. As we all know, the three risks are closely related as factors that can trigger heart-related diseases.
  5. Can increase the risk of diabetes
    Studies showed that greasy foods can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by increasing weight, inflammation, and interfering with your blood sugar level control.
  6. Can trigger acne
    Most people often assume that greasy foods can trigger acne. According to the results of studies, greasy foods can increase inflammation, change gene expression and hormone levels in the body, all of which can trigger acne.
  7. Can damage brain function
    According to the results of studies, factors such as weight gain, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome that can be caused by greasy foods are related to the damage to your structure, tissue, and brain activity.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay


  • Healthline - Effects of Greasy Food on Your Body (2020). https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/greasy-food, 09 January 2020.
