Rumah Vaksinasi - Pasteurについて


Rumah Vaksinasi - Pasteur is a vaccination clinic that is located on Cicendo, Bandung, within the Province of West Java. In addition to mandatory vaccines from the government, there are a variety of additional vaccines that are very expensive. Starting from the patients' complaints on Twitter, dr. Piprim founded Rumah Vaksinasi Pondok Gede so that people can get affordable vaccines. (Source: Web)


  • カテゴリー:
  • 場所:
    Cicendo, Bandung, West Java
  • 住所:
    Apotik Sitta - Kompleks Ruko Dakota
    Jl. Dakota No. 27H
    Cicendo - Bandung 40175
  • 電話番号:
    (+62) 811233713
  • メール:
  • ウェブサイト:
  • 営業時間:
    開く 閉じる
    月曜 13:00 15:00
    火曜 closed
    水曜 closed
    木曜 13:00 15:00
    金曜 closed
    土曜 09:00 12:00
    日曜 closed


  • ウイルス・種痘(ウイルス学)


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