Johns Hopkins Singapore International Medical Centreについて


Johns Hopkins Singapore International Medical Centre, or sometimes known as IMC - JHMI, is a general hospital that is located on Novena, Singapore. Johns Hopkins Singapore, which opened in 2000 and has been located in Tan Tock Seng Hospital since 2005, is Johns Hopkins’ first jointly owned and managed facility outside the United States. It offers patients a geographical alternative for Johns Hopkins oncology care—a state-of-the-art service with 30 inpatient beds, including a high-end presidential suite for dignitaries and an outpatient unit for chemotherapy—in a modern Asian setting that’s culturally diverse and sensitive to the needs of both Singaporeans and international patients. The 1,200-bed Tan Tock Seng Hospital, established in 1844, is the second-largest acute care general hospital in Singapore, with specialty centers in rehabilitation medicine and communicable diseases. The hospital is a member of the National Healthcare Group and provides high-quality holistic health care services to the people of Singapore. (Source: Web)


  • カテゴリー:
  • 場所:
  • 住所:
    Tan Tock Seng Hospital
    11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng
    Novena - Singapore 308433
  • 電話番号:
    (+65) 68802222
  • メール:
  • ウェブサイト:
  • 営業時間:
    開く 閉じる
    月曜 00:00 24:00
    火曜 00:00 24:00
    水曜 00:00 24:00
    木曜 00:00 24:00
    金曜 00:00 24:00
    土曜 00:00 24:00
    日曜 00:00 24:00


  • がん(腫瘍学)


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