Is pasta good for your health?

Pasta, the famous Italian creation with various types, has always been a popular staple food. Aside from being easy to cook, pasta also contains good nutritional values if cooked right. Whole grain pasta is made from whole wheat kernel, and thus contains high levels of fibre, vitamin, and mineral as well as low level of Glycemic Index (GI). As such, consuming pasta is good to maintain your blood sugar level.

Foods that are low in GI are believed to be beneficial for those concerned about their weight. Consuming foods low in GI can also reduce the risks of diabetes and heart diseases. According to the American Diabetes Association, flour-based foods such as pasta can be an option for those with diabetes.

A new study by the University of Toronto’s Department of Nutritional Sciences found that an individual with low GI diet will still lose weight despite consuming pasta. In other words, consuming pasta will not affect a person’s weight and fat.

Despite its nutritional values, a portion of creamy pasta can contain up to 1,600 calories, which nearly exceeds the daily calorie limit (1,600-2,400 for females and 2,000-3,000 for males), which means that you need to limit your next food intake. To make a healthier pasta dish, it is strongly recommended to add vegetables and use whole grain pasta which contains more fibre and nutrition.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Balia Rahman Soeroso


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