Cabbage and Its Benefits for Health

Cabbage is part of the cruciferous vegetable family. However, people often lump cabbage into the same category as lettuce, i.e. asreracease, because of their similar appearance. Cabbage varies in color from green to red and purple. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale, and broccoli are known to be rich in beneficial nutrients for health.

In fact, cabbage contains chemical compounds that may protect the body against the negative effects of radiation. Consuming cabbage is also believed to inhibit the process of cancer cell formation. As cited from Medical News Today, here are some benefits of cabbage for health.

  1. Protection from radiation therapy
    Cabbage contains 3.3’-diindolylmethane (DIM), a compound that can increase short-term survival rate of some animals in relation to radiation. In a study conducted by Georgetown University, rats were given a lethal dose of radiation. Some were left untreated, and others were treated with a daily injection of DIM for 2 weeks. All the untreated rats died, but over 50% of those receiving DIM injection remained alive on the 30th day. The same experiment was performed on mice and shown similar results. This study showed that DIM might be used as a 'shield' to protect healthy tissues during cancer treatment in the future.
  2. Cancer prevention
    Sulforaphane compound that gives cruciferous vegetables their bitter taste appears to give cancer-fighting power as well. Researchers have discovered that this compound can inhibit the histone deacetylase (HDAC), an enzyme involved in the progression of cancer cells. The ability to stop HDAC enzyme could make cabbage a potentially powerful part of cancer treatment.
  3. Maintain heart health
    The anthocyanin content in red cabbage has also shown abilities to suppress inflammation that may lead to cardiovascular disease. In addition to that, the high content of polyphenols in cabbage may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing platelet (thrombocyte) buildup and reducing blood pressure.
  4. Maintain immunity and digestive system
    Cabbage can be eaten raw, cooked, or fermented (such as sauerkraut and kimchi). Fermented food is rich in probiotics, which are good for maintaining our immune and digestive system. Enzymes produced in fermentation may make vitamins and minerals easier to absorb.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from


  • The health benefits of cabbage (2017)., May 02, 2018.
  • Atwell, L. L., Beaver, L. M., Shannon, J. et all (2015). Epigenetic Regulation by Sulforaphane: Oppurtunities for Breast and Prostate Cancer Chemoprevention. Current Phamacology Reports, 1(2):102-111.

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