Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Definition, Causes, and Treatment

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an irregularity in the hormonal equilibrium of women. In general, women with PCOS are having irregular menstrual cycles, producing a higher amount of androgens hormones (men hormone), to the formation of a cyst in the ovary. Due to the imbalanced hormones in women’s body, it is difficult for women with PCOS to be pregnant. If this condition left untreated, women with PCOS have a higher risk to suffer other health problems, just like diabetes and even heart disease.

PCOS may occur to every woman in their childbearing age (15-44 years old). Genetic factors and insulin resistance can be some factors that higher the risk of getting PCOS. Around 70% of women with PCOS are insulin-resistant, which means that the body is unable to utilise the insulin properly. To make matters worse, the body itself demanding more insulin regardless of the condition. The high amount of insulin in the body may trigger the ovary to produce more androgens hormones. Insulin resistance often found in people with obesity or diabetes.

PCOS sufferers are recommended to go through a healthy diet and eat properly to gain the ideal weight. A low-carb diet (low glycemic index) is such an effective way to lose weight and also decrease the amount of insulin inside the body. Consuming foods that rich of fibre, fish, vegetables, fruits, and nuts, known to help PCOS sufferers with regulating back the menstrual cycle. For obese women with PCOS, losing weight around 5-10% can help to lighten the PCOS symptoms.

Besides keeping a healthy diet, people with PCOS are also recommended to change their lifestyles. Commonly, PCOS sufferers are recommended to do some exercises regularly. Not only that it may help to lose weight but doing exercise can also help to reduce the amount of androgens hormones inside the body. Keeping the stress level by relaxing more and getting enough sleep are also known to help lighten the PCOS symptoms.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Google Search Images


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