Chocolate Can Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which your blood glucose level is too high. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is caused by the lack of insulin production, while Type 2 happens when the body is incapable of using insulin effectively. Diabetes Type 2 can be prevented by living a healthier lifestyle. But do you know that chocolate can prevent Diabetes Type 2?

The chocolate snacks you see at the supermarket shelf are usually made of chocolate paste, sugar, cocoa fat, and flavour enhancer, thus containing a high level of sugar. Excessive consumption of these snacks can indeed become one of the causes of Diabetes Type 2. Having said that, a recent study by Brigham Young University proves that there is a substance in pure chocolate that can actually prevent diabetes.

When a person suffers from diabetes, there is a failure in insulin production by beta cells in the pancreas. Scientists have found that a substance called epicatechin monomer in cocoa can help to manage this problem. It works by signalling pancreas to produce more insulin, plus increasing its sensitivity to blood glucose level in blood.

Epicatechin monomer elevates the work of beta cells by protecting them and increasing their strength towards oxidative stress. It also strengthens the mitochondria in beta cells, so they can produce more ATP (energy source of cells), which eventually leads to more insulin production.

It is hoped that cacao and epicatechin monomer can be one of the ways to prevent diabetes in the future. It could easily be implemented in various food or supplement to maintain blood glucose level.

Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Google Image Search


  • Rowley, T. J., Bitner, B. F., Ray, J. D., et al (2017). Monomeric cocoa catechins enhance -cell function by increasing mitochondrial respiration. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. Vol 49:30-41.

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