Benefits of walnut for your heart health

Peanuts are a type of food that contains various nutrients which are good for your body. Aside from protein and essential amino acid, peanuts also may become a source of complex carbohydrate, vitamins, and minerals. According to some research, consuming peanuts may reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease, while also increasing our memory.

As quoted in Medical News Today, consuming 20 grams of peanuts per day may reduce the risk of diabetes by 20%. Also, peanuts may reduce other infectious diseases by 75%. In a research conducted by Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, it was discovered that the total amount of peanuts consumed has a link with the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The more peanuts that consumed, the less the chance that someone has to suffer from those diseases.

From various types of peanuts, walnut is known to have the best ability to reduce the risk of diseases. Consuming walnut at least 2-3 times a week may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 19%. Also, walnut may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 21%.

This year, the research was reconducted by the same team on a bigger scale. The researchers conducted a comparison between rich-in-walnuts diet and low-fat diet, Western Mediterranean diet, and Japanese diet. In this research, it was found that rich-in-walnuts diet gives more significant impact on cardiovascular health.

Rich-in-walnuts foods were discovered to be able to reduce the amount of cholesterol by 3.25%, LDL level by 3.73% and triglyceride by 5.52% larger compared to other diets.

Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Pixabay

