Dangers of Sleeping at Night with Lights On

For a lot of people, sleeping time is the most anticipated time of the day. It’s the time when one gets to relax and restore energy after doing a lot of activities during the day. To get a good quality sleep, each has his or her own habits, such as listening to the music, turning on the television, or turning on the lights.

The habit of sleeping with the lights—or other electronic objects—on has negative impacts on health. Here are some of them.

  1. Higher risk of cancer
    Artificial lights can inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin, which serves to suppress the growth of cancer cells. The hormone is mostly produced at night time. When the eyes detect lights at night, there will be a decrease in the production of melatonin.
  2. Obesity
    The lack of melatonin can also change a person's eating pattern. According to a research conducted by the University of Oxford, women who sleep with lights on are more likely to have a higher Body Mass Index and larger waist size compared to women who sleep in a completely dark room.
  3. Fertility issues
    Women who work at night are more likely to have irregular menstrual cycle problems. Exposure to lights as well as irregular sleep cycles may affect women’s fertility.
  4. Higher risk of Type 2 Diabetes
    The disturbance of melatonin may disrupt the level of other hormones like glucose and leptin, which regulate appetite and glucose. It can cause the increase of blood sugar level, thus increasing the risk Type 2 Diabetes.
  5. Hormonal changes
    The human body is designed to feel tired at night and be active during the day. Artificial lights such as lamp lights and electronics will emit blue light that can disrupt the secretion of hormones.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Google Search Images

