8 Best Fruits to Be Eaten During Your Pregnancy

Every woman who is having her pregnancy should pay attention to the food that they are consuming, from its hygiene to nutrition. Besides helping the embryo’s growth, increasing vitamin and mineral consumption may also help to maintain the prospective mother’s health. One way to increase the vitamin supply to our body is by consuming fruits that are rich in vitamins and essential nutrients. Some people may not know the types of fruit that have more benefits if eaten during pregnancy. As reported from Medical News Today, these are the types of fruit that are healthy to be eaten during pregnancy,

  1. Apricot, this reddish fruit contains vitamin A, C, and E, calcium, iron, potassium, beta carotene, and phosphor. These nutrients could help the process of an embryo’s growth. The iron could prevent anaemia and calcium could help the growth of bones and teeth.
  2. Orange, a fruit that is rich in folate that could prevent neural tube damage that could cause abnormalities in the baby’s brain and bone nerves. Orange is also a good source of vitamin C which could prevent cell damage and aid the iron absorption.
  3. Mango, which is rich in vitamin A and C. Lack of vitamin A may increase the risk of a weakened immune system in a newborn and also increase the risk of post-birth complications such as respiratory tract infection.
  4. Pomegranate, which contains vitamin K, calcium, folate, iron, protein and fibre that could become a good energy source for both the mother-to-be and embryo. Some research that had been conducted found that pomegranate juice reduces the risk of placental damage.
  5. Avocado, which contains vitamin C, E and K, fibre, choline, potassium, magnesium, and unsaturated fatty acid. The fat could help the process of skin formation, brain tissue during the growth period, and embryo growth. The potassium can also relieve leg cramps of a pregnant woman.
  6. Banana, this fibre rich fruit could help to reduce the risk of constipation related to pregnancy. Besides that, some researchers showed that vitamin B contained in bananas could relieve nausea in the early trimester.
  7. Apple, which contains nutrients such as vitamin A and C, fibre and potassium that help embryo’s growth. A certain study found that consuming an apple during pregnancy can reduce a baby’s risk of getting asthma and allergies.
  8. Grapes, which are rich in folate, antioxidant, fibre, vitamin C and K, organic acids and pectin. Antioxidants like flavonoid, tannin, and geraniol could help prevent infection.


Text by Anggie Triana
Stock photos from Google Search Images

